Robot-assisted Surgery, Johnson Subsidiary Ethicon, Robot-assisted Surgery Platform, And Minimally Invasive Surgery

Google and Johnson & Johnson have announced that the will team up to develop an advanced, robot-assisted surgery platform. The team effort will involve ?capabilities, intellectual property and expertise? from both companies, and will involve Johnson & Johnson subsidiary Ethicon, maker of medial d…

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How to Boost Your Revenue Through Upselling and Cross Selling

By Neil Patel

How to Boost Your Revenue Through Upselling and Cross Selling

What are the two main ways you can grow your revenue? Driving more traffic to your website and boosting your conversion rates, right?

Although those two ways are effective, there is also another way to increase your revenue… it’s by increasing your average order value. A simple way to do that is through upselling and cross selling your products.

In order to teach you how you can implement this tactic in your business, I’ve created an infographic.

Click on the image below to see a larger view:

Click here to view an enlarged version of this infographic.


If you don’t think upselling and …read more      

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4 Revelations that Drove Me to Quit My Job and Start a Business

By Raubi Perilli

Raubi Perilli at Authority Intensive 2014

Someone in this room is going to change everything because they cared.

Seth Godin and his round-framed glasses stared back at a room filled with ambitious entrepreneurs-in-training, and I looked around wondering who would be the next person to “change everything.”

That’s how my experience at Copyblogger’s Authority event in 2014 began — looking into the audience like I wasn’t part of the audience. Still not seeing myself as someone who could take a chance and grow my own business.

But that’s not how I ended my experience.

By the conclusion of the two-day event, I …read more      

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Tone, Brand, Company, And Voice

Like people, companies make impressions. And good impressions pave the way for solid business relationships.
At the most substantive level, how an organization behaves can make all the difference. Think of the oft-cited Tylenol poisoning scare in the 1980s. Johnson & Johnson, the drug’s manufacturer…

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App Service, Azure App Service, On-premises Systems, And Common App Hosting

In a mobile-first, cloud-first world, companies are using apps to connect with and better engage their customers, partners, and employees anywhere, and on any device. They are relying on developers to build those apps with increasing speed ?that can connect to popular services and on-premises system…

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