How to Write Headlines that Get Results

By Rainmaker.FM


Headline writing is probably the first and most important skill you need to learn as a web writer.

John Caples called it the most important part of an advertisement. That’s why he dedicates four out of 18 chapters to headline writing in his book Tested Advertising Methods.

And you can sum up those four chapters in one hyphenated word.

In this 11-minute episode of Rough Draft with Demian Farnworth, you’ll discover:

  • What that hyphenated word is
  • A simple process for writing headlines that get results
  • The most successful headline ever written for college men
  • A sleazy …read more      
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How to Structure and Sell Your Natural Expertise

By Pamela Wilson

ready to share your knowledge?

Way back in late 2009, I was getting antsy, on both a personal and a professional level.

I had run my own design studio for almost 20 years. And I’d created just about anything a designer could create, from business cards to billboards — even a glossy, full-color national magazine.

But despite my success, I started to feel like there was “more” that I wanted to do with my career.

And one day, in a quiet moment, I heard a question:

Where will you grow from here?

I needed to answer that question. But how?

Around that …read more      

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Ignition, Seemingly Unrelated Facts, Best On-camera Personalities, And Watch Work-related Videos

Here is a series of seemingly unrelated facts:
People with curly hair make the best on-camera personalities.
75 percent of business execs say they watch business-related videos on business websites at least weekly, and 50 percent watch work-related videos weekly on YouTube.
Men who mix and match c…

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Is ‘Choose Yourself’ Good Advice … or New-Age Phooey?

By Rainmaker.FM


Seth Godin says “pick yourself.” Choose yourself. Select yourself. It’s a refrain we hear across the web. But what does it really mean?

On the latest episode of The Lede, the second in the “Hero versus Villain” series, Jerod Morris and Demian Farnworth debate this question.

Before you listen, see if you can guess which side of the debate each of them is on.

And, as Jerod and Demian did in the last episode, they bring in one of their Copyblogger colleagues to help settle the debate.

Click Here to Listen to

The Lede on iTunes
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Making Time for Your Online Business in the Fringe Hours

By Rainmaker.FM


Today’s guest on Hack the Entrepreneur is different than every other guest who has been on the show so far. She is an entrepreneur, but only during her “Fringe Hours.”

One of the hardest parts of starting your own business and becoming an entrepreneur is finding the time. This can get even harder when you have a job, family, and all of the demands that come with both.

She has a full-time job working in social media and content development at a Children’s hospital, she is a mom to three beautiful children — the youngest being only a few …read more      

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