Forget Your Muse

By Loryn Thompson

Forget your muse. That’s right, you heard me. You don’t need her bullshit anymore. Your muse is a flaky friend, who promises to hang out but never calls. Your muse is a boss who promises a raise but never gives you a review. How many times has she left you alone at your desk, waiting
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How to Drive Sales with Your Instagram Marketing Strategy

By Neil Patel

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It’s crucial for businesses to have an active social media presence to survive in 2018.

No social media marketing strategy is complete without Instagram. It’s become a top platform for brands, advertisers, and consumers alike.

This platform has 800 million monthly active users. And 500 million Instagram profiles are active on a daily basis.

Here’s something else that may surprise you: 70% of Instagram hashtags are branded.

What does that tell you? If you’re not active on Instagram, your competitors definitely are.

Those of you who already have an account set up are on the right …read more      

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How to Determine If Your USP Is Fake (a Missed Opportunity to Connect)

By Stefanie Flaxman

The most skilled marketers still have trouble positioning their own businesses. Why? It’s difficult to objectively look at your own work, but unless you do — and communicate the special benefits you offer — you won’t stand out from competitors. Today’s post is for anyone who isn’t attracting the right type of prospects. I’m going
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How to Improve Your Customer Service with These 8 Ways to Get Feedback

By Neil Patel

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It doesn’t matter what type of business you have or how long you’ve run it. Your customers are the lifelines of your brand.

Whether you sell products, offer services, or a combination of the two, customer service needs to be one of your top priorities.

You could have the best product in the world, but if you don’t treat your customers well, it’s going to hurt your bottom line. On the flip side, you could have a product that’s average, or even subpar, and be extremely profitable if you provide excellent customer service.

How is that possible? Well, the numbers …read more      

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Do the Right Thing for Your Business … and Your Audience

By Sonia Simone

This week was all about doing the right thing — being cool, kind, ethical, and respectful. Not in spite of your business goals, but to support them. Because it turns out, most people would actually rather do business with someone who isn’t a complete tool. On Monday, Stefanie Flaxman talked about content authenticity — what
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