Why You Need to Become a Rainmaker Before It’s Too Late

By Jeff Goins

The portfolio life approach to your career

In his 1989 book, The Age of Unreason, Irish author Charles Handy made a startling prediction about the future of organizations.

He argued that businesses would soon be smaller and the workforce would be comprised of “portfolio people.”

And what is a portfolio person?

Handy describes a portfolio as a multifaceted career, comprised of different types of work that include fee work, salary work, and gift work. And soon, this is how we will all describe what we do — not as a job, but as a portfolio.

The 40-year career is dead

And for most of …read more      

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Business World, Opportunity, Laptop Word Processor, And Unlimited Marketing Budget

Marketers need to think differently–not jump on the industry bandwagon–to succeed in today’s highly disrupted business world.
Low barriers to entry have flooded many markets with me-too brands, products, promotions, and messaging. This makes it exceptionally difficult for marketers to stand out fr…

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Social Media, Facebook, Results Page, And Curiosity Gap

You know that feeling of pride you get after your company puts together a piece of content that is just brilliant? You want everyone to see it, and you have full confidence that it will delight anyone that it reaches.
But how do you make that happen in a cost-efficient way?
Here?s a novel idea: get …

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Marketing, Road Map, Data, And Strategy Road Map

Hilary Hinton “Zig” Ziglar, an American author, salesman, and motivational speaker born in 1926, once said, “You can’t be too busy chopping wood to sharpen the ax.”
Important advice for marketers.
It’s so easy to get caught up in the vortex of daily activities: the website updates, the email campaig…

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Twitter, Law Enforcement, Twitter Users, And Phone Number

At the end of last year, Twitter began to focus in earnest on

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