Upfront, Page, Child Themes, And Upfront Control Panel

Is there such a thing as the perfect WordPress theme?
Until now, I would have told you that was impossible. But now?
James Farmer, CEO of Edublogs and IncSub, recently showed me a new WordPress theme that actually took my breath away. And I have to tell you, I?m seriously considering a site redesign…

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Social Media, Marketing Efforts, Social Marketing Efforts, And Social Media Channels

Thank you for taking this brief survey to help us examine how marketers collect, analyze, and share social data to enhance their marketing. We appreciate your time.
The results will be released later this year. Sign up at the end of the survey to receive the results.
1. How long have you been using …

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How Spending $138,491.42 on Meals Made Me $992,000

By Neil Patel

fine dining

Every year, my bookkeeper sends me an email breaking down my spending habits. For my personal corporation, I spent $138,491.42 on meals over the course of 12 months.

At first, I thought there was a clerical error as that number comes out to roughly $11,540 a month. There’s no way I could have spent that much on business meals, right?

The number was so shocking that I decided to dig a bit deeper. I asked myself a few simple questions:

  • How is it possible that one person can spend $11,540 a month on food?
  • Am I wasting money by paying for meals?
  • Is there an …read more      
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Here’s How Veteran Search Engine Expert Danny Sullivan Writes

By Demian Farnworth

Authority Rainmaker 2015 speaker, Danny Sullivan

In 1996, the Unabomber suspect, Ted Kaczynski, was arrested. TWA Flight 800 crashed off the coast of Long Island, New York. Bill Clinton was elected president of the United States. The movie Jerry Maguire hit the silver screen. “Macarena” was the hottest song. And some of you were probably born.

For Danny Sullivan, 1996 was the year he published research called A Webmaster’s Guide to Search Engines.

Wait. You mean there were search engines before Google? Indeed.

Danny has been in the industry for more than 20 years, and he is arguably one of the smartest people on the …read more      

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Extraordinary Event Marketers, Social Media Swashbucklers, Right Training Program, And Marketing Superheroes

At MarketingProfs, we dream about building legions of marketing superheroes. Teams who are smarter, faster, and stronger than their opponents: Advertising Avengers. Extraordinary Event Marketers. Social Media Swashbucklers. It?s possible, with the right training program.

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