Here’s How to Answer the Most Important Question in Life (and Make a Living from It)

By Demian Farnworth

Authority Rainmaker 2015 speaker, Bernadette Jiwa

Why bother?

Each and every morning you and I both wake up and ask ourselves that question. Some mornings we don’t even think about the question, but answer it deliberately by jumping out of bed and bolting for the office.

In these cases, we bother because we care deeply about what we do. We feel like we matter. Then there are the other mornings …

Mornings where you roll over and eye the clock. The alarm will sound within minutes, but you have no desire to get out of bed. It has been a long week — …read more      

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How I Increased My Search Traffic by 47% from Translating My Blog into 82 Languages

By Neil Patel

traffic growth

When you write your blog posts, what language do you write them in? Chances are that you write them in English.

What if I told you that you would get more traffic if you wrote your blog posts in Mandarin and Spanish as they are the two most popular languages in the world?

I thought it would be a good experiment to translate into 82 different languages. Within three weeks of doing this, I saw a 47% increase in my search traffic—as you can see from the image above.

Here’s what I learned by translating my content into 82 different …read more      

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Are You Overlooking Any (or All) of These 7 Ways to Build Online Authority with LinkedIn?

By Louisa Chan

Image of Ellie Caulkins Opera House

Flash mobs.

People are attracted to these spectacles. We drop what we’re doing and gather around to watch, but then we leave.

We go back to what we were doing before we were interrupted. No one really knows who orchestrated the performance. The entire experience is short-lived and doesn’t make any profound impact.

Now, imagine performing at an opera house, such as the Ellie Caulkins Opera House pictured above — the venue for Authority Rainmaker 2015.

An attentive audience becomes fascinated by your performance and applauds you to show their appreciation. You know they’ll be …read more      

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The Ultimate Guide to Hashtags

By Neil Patel

The Ultimate Guide to Hashtags

You see them everywhere around the web… From Twitter to Instagram, hashtags are an essential part of social media.

So, why should you care about hashtags? Well, hashtags are a great way to increase your overall social media traffic. For example, tweets with hashtags generate two times more engagement than tweets without them.

In order to help you get the most out of hashtags, I’ve created an infographic that will teach you how to leverage them on each popular social network.

Click on the image below to see a larger view:

Click here to view an enlarged version of this infographic.


I know I’ve …read more      

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Customers, Party, Marketers, And Host

February 18, 2015
My tips for being a perfect host, whether in your home or for a brand.
I love to entertain. Whether I’m hosting an around-the-world wine tasting soiree to celebrate the Olympics or a chili and scary movie night for Halloween, I’ll throw a party for almost any occasion. …

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