Digital Transformation, Fully Networked Organizations, Digital Investments, And CEOs

I sometimes wonder why anyone in business aspires to be the CEO. The corner office is often a lonely place to be, and it?s all too easy to become isolated and unaware of the prevailing mood in the organization, something that is almost guaranteed to dilute the impact of business initiatives.
Rarely …

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Local Holidays, Cross-cultural Communication, Time Zones, And Small Business

Living and working in China for more than four years, I had my fair share of cultural disconnects. Like when a man invited me out for dinner with all his friends a number times and I learned ? weeks and one very awkward situation later ? that

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Headline, Twitter, Headlines, And Cozy Newsprint World

I?ve been a PR guy for almost 20 years now. When I started writing headlines and press releases for my startup, eReleases, in 1998, there was no such thing as MySpace, Facebook, and there was certainly no Twitter. Email, on the other hand, was getting hot; I should know, I had a pretty sweet AOL pac…

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Search Results, Hot News Topic, Favorite News Sources, And Search Results Page

When you use Google?s mobile search to look for your favorite news sources or more information about a hot news topic, you?ll probably notice there?s something different about the search results. Starting today, Google will not just give you a link to the publication, but it will also highlight t…

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A/B Tests, Sample Size, Statistical Significance, And Conversions

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) lets you achieve something quite wonderful: it helps you get more out of your existing traffic.
A/B testing is the secret sauce that makes that happen.
But what happens when you finally decide to carry out A/B tests?

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