Is There Still a Difference Between Marketing and Selling?

By Sonia Simone

Back when I worked in the corporate world, our organization, like many, had a great, big invisible wall between marketing and sales. The marketers crafted messages, thought about fonts and brand colors, produced beautiful brochures and websites, and figured out new ways to get people to know our company existed. The end result of this
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How 6 Months of a Daily Journaling Habit Changed My Writing

By Loryn Thompson

I’ve been a sporadic journaler all my life. About once every three months, when inspiration struck, I’d seize my journal and dash out several pages. But most of the time, it sat on my shelf, collecting dust. About six months ago, I decided it was time to start a daily journaling habit. We’ve all heard
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How to Drive More Traffic to Your Website with These 10 Lead Generation Strategies

By Neil Patel

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Many businesses seek my advice.

Throughout the years, I have seen many common problems marketers and business owners across various industries encounter. But one thing I’ve been seeing frequently lately, so I thought it was time for me to address it.

Many brands are focusing all their efforts on getting higher conversion rates.

Don’t get me wrong. That’s extremely important for the success of your company. For the most part, conversions ultimately translate to dollars. They encourage sales and contribute to your bottom line.

But before people can convert, they need to find your website first. So, companies put forward strategies …read more      

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Weak Email Marketing and Nickelback Have Less in Common than You Might Think

By Stefanie Flaxman

I’ve never admitted this to anyone before: I don’t always change the radio station right away when a Nickelback song comes on. See? That first line wasn’t hyperbole. How embarrassing. Here’s about how far I’ll let “How You Remind Me” play before finding something else to listen to: “Never made it as a wise man
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How to Implement a Marketing Strategy That Speaks to Your Millennial Audience

By Neil Patel

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Depending on whom you ask, Millennials have an interesting reputation.

Ask their parents, teachers, and employers, and I’m sure you’ll get a different response from all of them.

An old Time Magazine cover story labeled Millennials as “lazy, entitled narcissists who still live with their parents.”

Truthfully, I think that’s a bit harsh. But it’s safe to say their character traits are very different from those of the generations that preceded them.

Who are Millennials? Although the time period within which they were born is not exact, the term Millennials, also known as Generation Y, generally refers to anyone born during …read more      

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