Organic Visibility, Social Media, Brands, And Social Media Networks

Facebook has clearly figured out a profitable business model for social media networks ? build a community, attract brands, let brands build an audience, cut off organic visibility for brands, brands pay for audience access. If brands don?t like it, tough. Don?t believe it?

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Shock, Insulin Shock Therapy, Commonplace Mental Shock, And Shock Headlines

Conversion optimization has all kinds of methods and tactics. You?ve probably read some of the same articles I have?

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Watson, Watson Question, Watson API, And Bluemix

Q: ?Combining these two APIs can let you quickly query a complex health data set via SMS.?
A: ?What are IBM Watson and Twilio??
You probably remember IBM Watson battling humans in Jeopardy. Now developers can access this same power via the Watson Question and Answer API. Currently IBM has exposed t…

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Report, Dependent Clauses, Independent Clause, And Title Tags

True life confession: Although I’ve worked with some of the smartest SEOs, architects, and CPAs in the business, you couldn’t always tell from their writing. Which is a problem. Because while some of them are client-facing (so the client gets to know their smarts firsthand?either in person or on the…

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Flipboard, Personalized Mobile Magazines, Web, And Co-founder Mike McCue

It?s taken several years, but Flipboard is finally coming to the platform where most digital publishers start. After providing readers with beautiful, personalized mobile magazines on their mobile devices, the company is re-launching its web page to do the same.
Flipboard?s apps enable readers t…

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