B2B Buyers, Social Media, B2B Sellers, And B2B Executives

Social data has gone beyond B2C to influence B2B sellers and buyers, according to the following Leadspace infographic.
Some 84% of B2B executives use social media as a source for making purchase decisions.
Moreover, 92% of B2B buyers use social media to engage with sales industry thought leaders.
A …

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Video Sites, Video Games Thing, Largest Video Game, And Video Streaming Gamers

I don?t pretend to get the whole streaming of people playing video games thing ? I?d rather watch a tour of Twitch?s HQ than watch Twitch itself ? but apparently it?s something the kids are increasingly down with. That probably explains why Amazon paid nearly $1 billion to acquire the largest vid…

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Content Upgrade, Content Upgrades, Post, And Case Study

List Building Case Study: How to Get 492% More Email Subscribers
What if I told you that you could build your email list from a blog post, using a technique that outperforms other methods by 500% or more?
You?d think you?re already using it, right? I mean, if it?s that effective, everyone would alre…

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Here’s How Master Brand Storyteller Bernadette Jiwa Writes

By Demian Farnworth

Bernadette Jiwa, Authority Rainmaker 2015 speaker

Not many people can claim they single-handedly created the new marketing model for the 21st century. And did it simply with a five-column graph called The Difference Map.

Well, Bernadette Jiwa can.

Which is one reason why we are so excited that she will be a featured speaker at Authority Rainmaker.

But her list of achievements doesn’t stop there. She has created brands and unique innovation strategies. The products and ideas she has touched range from football boots to a medical journal, businesses to blogs, books to Kickstarter projects, non-profits, and more.

And she does …read more      

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