Facebook, Engagement Levels, Facebook Page, And News Feed

Does the engagement on your Facebook page seem too low? And does it seem like it shouldn?t be that way, especially when you?ve done well in the past and/or took all of my advice on how to do social with the little time you have ?
Facebook has made some News Feed changes and because of that, you?re …

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New Buyer Landscape, Event Co-sponsor, Email Address, And Social Media

By clicking submit, you agree to allow this information, including email address, to be shared with the event co-sponsor. Social Media Today will send you updates about other free content. Your information will never be shared with other parties, and you may opt-out at any time.
Marketers have come …

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The Perfect Execution of Conversion Rate Optimization

By Neil Patel

The Perfect Execution to Conversion Rate Optimization

Only one in seven A/B tests actually improves a website’s conversion rate. Why? Because conversion rate optimization is more than just testing colors or call-to-action buttons.

If you want to see significant gains in your conversion rate, you have to learn how to come up with the right tests, and you need a better understanding of the conversion optimization process.

In order to help you boost your conversions, I’ve created an infographic that will do just that.

Click on the image below to see a larger view:

Click here to view an enlarged version of this infographic.


I myself run a new A/B test …read more      

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Marketers, Marketing, Marketers Today—and Suggestions, And Modern Marketers

Marketing has never been more important or more misunderstood than it is today.
On one hand, CMOs are gaining influence, and marketing spend is on the rise. On the other hand, data and automation technology are driving seismic shifts in the industry, which have created uncertainty.
Executives, co-…

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Digital Marketing Essentials, Rand Fishkin, Hidden Fields, And Privacy  ·  Terms

Digital Marketing Essentials 2015 with Rand Fishkin – Google+
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