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An exclusive, live webinar from Social Media Today
January 27th at 12pm EST / 9am PST
Content shared by advocates performs 10 times better than content shared to paid channels, and seven times better than content in owned channels. That?s why smart brands are empowering their empl…

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7 Lessons and 3 New Strategies I Learned From Launching My 5th Blog

By Neil Patel

total traffic

I’ve been blogging for around 10 years, so you would think that it’s easy for me to start a blog and gain traction. Although it’s true to some extent, it’s still difficult for me to start a blog from scratch.

A few months ago, I started my 5th blog on NeilPatel.com as an experiment to see how quickly I could get to 100,000 visitors a month.

Although I’m only at 28,109 visitors and 51,746 pageviews a month, I’ve been learning a lot. Here’s what I learned:

Lesson #1: Great content isn’t enough

If you look at a few of the content pieces on …read more      

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Trolls, Unkind Words, and How to Know You’re on the Right Track

By Sonia Simone

image of Inuksuk sculpture from the Athabasca Glacier, taken by James Pratley

At the end of the day, I just find your persona incredibly grating.

Funny that I can still remember that comment word-for-word. It’s from an unsubscribe note to my email list dating back at least seven years now.

I heard lots of good things back then, too. I was helping people, sharing what I knew in a way that was useful to my (then tiny) audience. But I don’t remember any of the good comments verbatim.

Even back then, though, the note made me laugh.


Because I knew that it was a signpost. A signal …read more      

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Hashtags, Good News, Hashtag, And Way

I see everyone using hashtags. Do they actually work? I just don’t get it. Help!
Dear Hashtag-Hopeless,
Do you want the good news or the bad news first? The bad, you say? Okay, then: Hashtags are here to stay, so you’ve got to get on board. But the good news is, I’m about to give you a crash course …

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Marketers, Social Media Sphere, Business Review Article, And Customer Behavior

Insight into customers’ emotions will help marketers turn their frowns upside-down.
Customers are people. And people, it turns out, are complex creatures.
That explains why some marketers, vendors, and academics are plunging into their Psych 101 textbooks to construct deeper understandings of custom…

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