Uber, Uber Drivers, Percent, And Uber Partners

The people who drive for Uber generally do so because the platform affords them flexibility in when and how often they drive, according to the findings of a study it?s releasing today. But the platform also offers drivers higher per-hour earnings potential than comparable for-hire driving jobs.

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Three Ways to Grow Your Curated Email Newsletter Faster

By Brian Clark

Note: This is the second of three core lessons related to content curation based on a case study of my new email newsletter Further. You can listen to the first episode here: Position Your Content Curation for Success With These 5 Essential Elements.

A key aspect of last week’s episode was identifying the purpose of any smart content curation project – audience building. Specifically, building an audience asset in the form of an email list.

This week we’re focusing exactly on that essential element. After smartly positioning your curation project, you want to do everything you can to …read more      

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San Francisco, Modern Communications Applications, Mobile Application Development, And Broader Developer Community

Signal is a new conference for developers about the future of communications. The conference will be taking place in San Francisco, CA on May 19th and 20th.
At Twilio, we believe that communications is about connecting people and that the atomic unit of communications is the conversation. We are exc…

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Stephen Colbert, News, Trend Marketing, And Outlandish Stephen Colbert

Every day, trending topics capture millions upon millions of eyeballs.
As I?m writing this, the ?Philadelphia Eagles? and ?Stephen Colbert? have each garnered 200,000+ searches, while ?Kate Upton? and ?Legend of Korra? are both clocking in at over 100,000 searches.
These topics are generating lots o…

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Customer Experience, Customer Service, Relevance Technology, And Wearable Devices

Advanced search technology is revolutionizing customer relations for organizations in all fields. This shift?along with a proliferation of wearable devices, automatic voice interactions, and predictive support technology?will mold the future of customer service as it advances over the next 25 years….

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