A/b Testing, Statistical Significance, Conversion Rates, And A/B Significance Test

Conversion optimizers know about tools ? the cool, powerful, and awesome tools that turn visitors into buyers, and traffic into revenue.
What good are tools if you don?t know when to use them? If you?re familiar ? even just a little bit ? with the wild world of CRO, then you know that there are a to…

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New World Library, Shoelace Breaks, Samantha Bennett, And New Clients

by Samantha Bennett
Has this ever happened to you?
You work hard to bring in some new clients, and while you get three good ones, you?re still disappointed because you were sort of hoping for … more.
Is that a success?
Or a failure?
Or you?re determined to work out three days this week, but your s…

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How to Increase Your Website’s Traffic Without Any Marketing

By Neil Patel

no marketing

What if I told you that you can increase your traffic without any marketing? That’s right… even if you don’t have a marketing bone in your body, you can generate more traffic and sales.

“How?” you may ask. All you have to do is follow this long tail strategy:

Leveraging long tail SEO

Who doesn’t want to rank for terms like “credit cards” and “auto insurance,” right? Although those terms are lucrative, they are actually extremely difficult to rank for.

On the other hand, long tail keywords are much less competitive, and they will drive the majority of your traffic.


If you …read more      

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10 Key Factors That Will Determine the Future of Google+

By Eric Enge

row of open-mouthed piranhas with sharp teeth

Google+ seems to be the social network that people love to hate. The industry almost has an internal clock about when to print the next article about Google+ dying.

So what’s the real story here? Is Google+ going to die soon? Should you invest time in it?

I will outline the way I look at it in today’s post, and while I will bring in many discussion points, bear in mind that for Google it’s all about the data.

Whether or not Google+ lives or dies will be determined by its utility as a data source, because data is money for …read more      

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