Email Marketers, Holistic Marketing Plan, Additional Key Findings, And Email Marketing Tools

More than half (53%) of email marketers say getting higher click-through and interaction rates is their top priority for 2015, according to a recent report from Campaigner.
The report was based on data from a survey of 130 email marketers conducted in November.
Other top email resolutions for the ye…

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10 Marketing Predictions You Should Prepare for in 2015

By Neil Patel


2015 is going to be an interesting year for marketers. Based on what I’ve seen over the years and my decade-long experience, I think there are going to be a lot of changes.

Before you start planning how you are going to market your business, read the 10 predictions below. If you follow them, you’ll have a leg up on your competition.

Here are 10 marketing predictions for 2015:

Prediction #1: Guest post links won’t be as effective

If you are an SEO, you’ve probably been using guest posts to build links. Why? Because they work extremely well.

Sure, search engines have given warnings …read more      

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16 Stats That Explain Why Adaptive Content Matters Right Now

By Demian Farnworth

folded measuring tape

Big data. Content. Growth hacking. Pivot. Engagement. A few words and phrases that make us want to stick a fork in our eye each time we hear them. Or stick a fork in the eye of the person using the …read more      

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Company, Rapid Growth, Core Purpose, And Time

For years you labor. You struggle and sacrifice and slowly build the dream of creating your own company. As an entrepreneur the roadblocks are numerous. But more than anything, you also know the payoff is priceless.
Suddenly the bridge is crossed, the business takes off and the growth might just be …

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