What Ethical, Effective Selling Looks Like

By Sonia Simone

There’s a well-loved myth out there that if you do something reasonably remarkable and distribute passionate content, you’ll automatically have an audience who will support you in style for the rest of your life. You don’t have to do anything scary. Like sell, for example. Now if that works for you, that’s terrific. So does
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3 Simple Ways to Get Started with Relationship-Building Webinars

By Chris Garrett

While we are often introduced to new and shiny marketing technologies, webinars are still great ways to interact with our audiences. They help you build relationships, teach, and discover and drill down on your audience’s wants, needs, objections, and problems. But the thought of producing webinars can be overwhelming if you don’t have experience with
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The Top 10 Platforms for Effectively Managing Social Influencers

By Neil Patel

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Social media is evolving. Brands need to do more today than just have active profiles on different marketing channels.

Successful businesses are increasing their presence by leveraging relationships with social influencers to create brand awareness.

We’re seeing an increase in the use of micro influencers, which made my list of the top marketing trends to look for in 2018. So for those of you who haven’t implemented this strategy yet, it’s time to get your feet wet.

You may be surprised to hear how big of an impact influencer marketing campaigns can have on your company. In …read more      

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10 Service Business Essentials that Help You Win Clients with Confidence

By Stefanie Flaxman

Here’s a scary thought: What if your content marketing actually works? What if you get all the clients you want? Will you be able to handle them? Those are important questions every service provider needs to answer honestly because there is often a disconnect between what we say we want and the actions we take.
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How to Create Highly Relevant Content That Directly Drives Sales

By Neil Patel

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Content marketing is an absolute necessity for brand survival in 2018.

So you’re on the right track if you are currently creating and distributing content. But for those of you who aren’t seeing results from these marketing campaigns, it can be frustrating.

You’re putting so much time and effort into this, so why aren’t you seeing results? What’s the issue?

I see this problem a lot when I’m consulting with businesses. They don’t have a clearly defined content strategy. If this sounds like you, it’s important that you read carefully.

It’s great that you are continuing to publish new content. But this isn’t effective …read more      

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