How to Use Visual Elements to Enhance Your Blog Post’s Engagement

By Neil Patel

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A picture is worth a thousand words.

This is a ageless English idiom that I’m sure you’ve heard countless times throughout your life. It’s a simple concept. In short, it means that it’s easier to show someone something than it is to tell them about it.

But are you applying this strategy to your blog posts? Blogging is a science.

There are lots of tips and tricks you can learn to engage with your audience, such as mastering the art of storytelling. However, words alone won’t drive engagement.

You’ll need to learn how to incorporate visual elements into your blog posts …read more      

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A Dose of Radical Common Sense

By Sonia Simone

You know how sometimes you see some advice that’s completely common sense, but somehow … it’s not at all what you’re doing right now? Yeah, me too. This week was about getting back to sensible solutions to business and content problems. They’re common sense, but, as my colleague Chris Garrett often says: “Common sense isn’t
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How to Convert Your Social Media Followers Into Customers Effectively

By Neil Patel

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Social media marketing needs to be a priority for every business across all industries.

Get with the times and understand the latest trends. Your customers are active on social media platforms, so you need to establish a presence as well.

Some of you may have mastered this already. You’ve been getting tons of new followers on social media. But now what?

Your follower numbers are increasing, but sales have reached a plateau or possibly even declined. How is this possible?

If this sounds like your current situation, here’s what you need to know. Just because someone follows you on one of …read more      

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Updated: A Breakthrough Resource for Your Content Creation

By Sonia Simone

Editorial Note: Pssst, we actually do have a real breakthrough resource for you — but doors close today, Wednesday, April 4 at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time. You can check it out here: Creative Content Foundations 2018 Way back in 2014, I wrote about a breakthrough resource for your content creation. Here’s what I had to
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The post Updated: A Breakthrough Resource for Your Content Creation appeared first on Copyblogger.

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3 False Beliefs about Conversational Copywriting that Make Me Want to Scream

By Nick Usborne

Before I get into what makes me scream, shout, and reach for hard objects to throw, let me be clear about my definition of “conversational copywriting.” It’s a way of writing sales copy that sounds like one friend enthusiastically selling something to another friend. Conversational copywriting is still about selling … but in a way
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