4 Ways to Craft Content that Earns Your Audience’s Attention

By Sonia Simone

About four years ago, I wrote about the idea of “Content Shock” — and maybe I was a tiny bit snarky about it. “Content Shock” is Mark Schaefer’s term for the point when there’s so much content published every day that we’re all drowning in it — and content stops working. I stand by my
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Creative Content Foundations Is Open for Enrollment

By Sonia Simone

We’re excited to announce that our Creative Content Foundations class is open for new students! And we’re launching it at what can only be called a screaming deal — but just for this week. We’ve spent months putting the course together, making sure it’s focused, but also comprehensive enough to give you real results. Here’s
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My Favorite Time-Saving Social Media Marketing Tools

By Neil Patel

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Staying active on social media is one of the best ways for you to create brand awareness and engage with your audience.

But with so many different social platforms to manage on a daily basis, it can be overwhelming. Sometimes keeping up with all these networks at once can feel like a full-time job.

You have enough on your plate when it comes to running your business. Sometimes, your social media campaigns get pushed toward the bottom of your to-do list.

If you’re not in a position to hire a full-time social media marketing manager, you can use a variety …read more      

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3 Fundamental Editorial Standards for Any Serious Publication

By Stefanie Flaxman

I’m a “go big or go home” kind of gal, and when it comes to content marketing today that translates to “have editorial standards or don’t publish.” If a reader, listener, or viewer begins to like you, but you fail to earn their trust, your hard work will feel like a waste. Editorial standards are
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How to Write a Perfect Email Newsletter That Converts

By Neil Patel

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Email newsletters are a great way to stay in contact with your subscribers. I use this strategy for my businesses as well.

But when I consult different companies and analyze their email newsletters, I come across some common problems. They’re not using these emails as a marketing tool.

Just sending a newsletter for the sake of meeting your weekly or monthly requirement is not effective.

Your newsletter is a valuable marketing resource, and it’s time for you to start writing them as such. If you need to improve your existing newsletters, read this post.

This guide is also great for anyone …read more      

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