Sharpen Your Content Skills with a New Class from Copyblogger

By Sonia Simone

It’s time! The Creative Content Foundations course (known around our virtual offices as “Lucile”) is just about ready for new students. I designed this class for new and intermediate content creators, to give you the professional skills that will wow your boss, clients, or customers. This course will be offered at a slightly ridiculously good
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How to Build Hype for a New Product Launch

By Neil Patel

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Your company is ready to launch a new product. This is an exciting time for you and everyone else involved.

Depending on your industry and brand, you’ve spent months or potentially even years developing this product.

As you approach the final stages of development, you’re starting to get a bit anxious. I can totally relate to this feeling. You’ve spent so much time, effort, and money on this that you want to make sure that it’s successful.

If your new product isn’t a hit and doesn’t sell, it could be a crushing blow, both financially and psychologically for your brand.

Here’s what you need …read more      

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Build a Rock-Solid Content Foundation: A New Class from Copyblogger

By Sonia Simone

This could be an easy time to be intimidated by content marketing. Weak content is sinking to the bottom, buried by the sheer mass of content being churned out across the globe. Content strategy has all kinds of complex new tools that seem like you need an MBA to use them. The giant, VC-backed players
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Rethink Your Definition of Productivity to Squash Uninspired Filler

By Kelton Reid

You’re not losing your mind. A constant stream of social media posts on the internet right now promise to pull back the curtain on the next great advancement in usefulness, productivity, or shiny automation engines. The cult of productivity is always knocking on our doors because it’s a part of a $10 billion institution that
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How to Increase Sales by Implementing a Customer Loyalty Program

By Neil Patel

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If your sales are starting to plateau or decline, you’ve got to come up with a new strategy to get a cash injection into the business.

Even if your company is doing OK right now, you have to ask yourself whether your current business model is sustainable in the future. It’s always important to analyze the trends and plan ahead.

Are you utilizing a customer loyalty program?

If you have a loyalty program in place, that’s great. You’ve at least identified it’s necessary. But now, it’s time to make sure it’s actually making you money.

If you don’t have a loyalty …read more      

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