How to Create an About Us Page That Generates Leads

By Neil Patel

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You need to put lots of thought and effort into every page of your website. But your About Us page is arguably the most important.


Anyone who is reading your About Us page is interested in learning more about your company. If you write this page properly, it can be used as an effective lead generation tool.

Put yourself in the mindset of a website visitor who is reading this page.

They’ve already stumbled upon your website, so they have a general idea of who you are and what you do. However, they may not be ready to become a …read more      

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3 Surprising Benefits of Chatbots (No Creep Factor Required)

By Sonia Simone

When you hear the word “bot,” what goes through your head? For me, it’s a toss-up: Election sabotage, death threats on Twitter, or the Cybermen. Not an awesome list of associations. But late last week, I happened to catch a session with Andrew Warner at Social Media Marketing World on how to use chatbots to
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How to Design a Homepage That Converts

By Neil Patel

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First impressions matter.

When someone visits your website, the first thing they’ll see is your homepage. The way your homepage is set up can make or break your conversion rates.

I know how much time and effort it takes to improve your SEO ranking and drive more traffic to your website.

If you’re seeing a boost in your website traffic but not in conversions, it’s time for you to analyze your homepage. It doesn’t matter what type of business you have or what industry you’re in, focusing on the design of your homepage pays off.

Where do you …read more      

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Oft-Overlooked Ways to Connect with More Prospects

By Sonia Simone

This week, we talked about forming stronger relationships with prospects. Someone may know you, but do they like you enough to remain an engaged member of your audience? On Monday, Stefanie Flaxman kicked things off by asking that very question. Be sure to try her simple exercise for uncovering what makes you likable and crafting
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How to Get Your Customers to Recommend Your Brand to Others

By Neil Patel

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Marketing your business is expensive. Coming up with customer acquisition strategies that won’t break the bank can be a challenge.

Acquiring a new customer can cost you six or seven times more money than retaining your current customers.

But you can get new customers without having to spend much money.

Using your existing customers to help bring in new business is one of my favorite ways to do this. It may sound complex, but it’s much easier than you might think.

It’s all about getting creative. Coming up with an acquisition strategy that also promotes …read more      

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