The ‘Ninja Trait’ that Copywriting Clients Are (Desperately) Looking For

By Sonia Simone

Maybe you dreamed for years before becoming a professional writer. Maybe you’re still dreaming, trying to work up the courage to take that mighty leap. Once you do, you immediately find out that the dream of writing for a living tends to collide with the nightmare of meeting your deadlines. Not to mention keeping track
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You Need Both of These Skill Sets to Keep Your Audience Coming Back for More

By Will DeWitt

When I’m not performing my typical duties as Rainmaker Digital’s Marketing Technologist, I’m cooking up a storm in my kitchen. Amidst the rhythmic chopping of fresh produce, the clashing of pots and pans, and the roar of boiling water, I realized that my two roles have a lot in common. They both require a balance
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How to Get More Converisons by Optimizing Your Checkout Process

By Neil Patel

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Do your conversion rates need a boost?

Nobody has a conversion rate that’s 100%. I think it’s safe to say that no matter how successful your company is, your conversions can always be improved.

Recognizing this is half the battle, but you’ll need to actually implement some changes if you want to see an increase. Just hoping for more conversions isn’t going to cut it.

Here’s another mistake I see businesses make. They confuse a conversion problem with a traffic problem.

Sure, driving more traffic to your website is great. I encourage you to do this. You may …read more      

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The Power of Believing You’re an Artist

By Stefanie Flaxman

In How to Feel Good as a Writer: an Origin Story, I wrote, “It’s not our job to know all of the whys, whats, and hows of the future. It’s just our job to do the work.” “Doing the work” before you reach professional status in a creative field is often self-directed. Because it’s in
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How to Increase Open Rates with These 7 Email Subject Lines

By Neil Patel

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How long does it take you to write marketing emails?

If you’re anything like me, you put lots of thought, effort, and time into each and every word in the message. That’s what it takes to write actionable email newsletters.

Your message is full of great content. You might even have some discounts, coupons, or other promotional offers there as well.

Maybe you’re promoting a new product, service, or trying to drive traffic to a landing page. Regardless of the goal of your marketing emails, all of your campaigns have one thing in common:

subscribers need to open …read more      

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