3 Ways to Create ‘Next Level’ Content

By Sonia Simone

This week, we offered concrete ways to make your content more memorable, more compelling, and more attractive to your audience. The three blog posts and podcast episodes I highlight below each give easy-to-implement advice that can transform your work. On Monday, Loryn Thompson kicked us off with a post about respecting your audience’s intelligence and
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How to Identify the Target Market of Your Startup

By Neil Patel

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Not everyone wants to buy what you’re selling.

For your startup company to be successful, you need to identify your target market.

This is one of the first steps of launching a startup company.

But it’s much easier said than done.

If you don’t have a clear target audience in mind, your marketing campaigns are going to cost you a fortune.

You’ll also have low conversion rates, and your customer acquisition costs will be through the roof.

Marketing to everyone and anyone is simply a waste of effort, time, and money.

Instead, focus your branding and marketing strategies on a specific …read more      

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Quit Annoying Your Audience! Take 3 Simple Steps to Focus Your Content

By Sonia Simone

Ever have a friend who tells stories that never seem to go anywhere? It sounds okay at first, then it spins off to a tangent about how they met their spouse, then we go into their first college dorm room, with a side trip to that deeply formative event that happened in third grade, then
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Transform Your Business Website Using Our Free ‘Design 101’ Ebook

By Brian Gardner

Is your current website design working for your business as well as it could be? You might know that it’s not, but don’t know where to start when it comes to a redesign. We understand that. Choosing a WordPress theme for your website can be a little overwhelming and leave you with lots of further
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The Top 14 Ways to Improve Your SEO Ranking

By Neil Patel

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Where is your website traffic coming from?

If you’re relying on people to find you through a Google search, search engine optimization (SEO) needs to be at the top of your priority list.

You won’t be able to generate leads for your business if nobody can find you.

Did you know 93% of experiences on the Internet start with a search engine?

What happens after someone makes a search?

The top result on Google has a 33% chance of getting clicked.

That means if you’re not number one on the page, you just missed out on a …read more      

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