Fix This Writing Mistake to Engage Readers with the Right Challenges

By Loryn Thompson

In college, there are three kinds of classes. First, there’s the blow-off classes, where 80 percent of your grade comes from fill-in-the-blank worksheets. To pass, all you really have to do is show up. Then, there are the classes taught by “real hardasses.” These classes kept you up well past midnight, flipping frenetically through flashcards,
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How to Charge More for Your Products by Enhancing the Perceived Value

By Neil Patel

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Any business selling products knows how important the profit margins are to its success.

What if I told you that you could increase those profits without altering the products?

Well, I’ve got good news. This is easily attainable if you can enhance the perceived value of your items.

Then, you can charge more money for the same products you’re already selling and get sky high profits.

But there’s a science behind this method.

If you’ve been selling the same item at a $5 price point for the last ten years, you can’t just start selling it tomorrow for $500 …read more      

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Advice and Resources for Success as a Creative Professional

By Sonia Simone

This week, we talked about some of the joys — and pitfalls — of the professional creative life. Your friends don’t get what you do, sometimes you don’t completely “get it” yourself — but when it’s working, the rewards can be glorious. On Monday, Stefanie Flaxman explored the peculiar (and sometimes hard to understand) nature
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8 CRO Quick Wins for Ecommerce Sites

By Neil Patel


How well does your ecommerce website convert?

On average, ecommerce sites in the United States convert at about a 3% rate.

If you’re hovering somewhere around that number, you might think your website is already optimized for high conversions.

Even if you think you’re doing well, there’s always room for improvement.

In fact, some of the top performing websites, such as the Google Play Store, have a conversion rate close to 30%.

Companies such as the Dollar Shave Club have roughly a 20% conversion rate.

Do you still think 3% is sufficient?

I don’t.

If you …read more      

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The ‘Old School’ Factors that Lead to 21st-Century Sales

By Sonia Simone

When I first started out as a business owner, marketing my freelance copywriting services, I was very aware of my biggest constraint: I was a lousy salesperson. When I was a kid, I had a hard time selling raffle tickets to my own grandmother. And all the books I was reading said that I had
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