How to Schedule Time for an Imaginative Process, Rather Than an Exact Task

By Stefanie Flaxman

I’m pretty happy with my current writing process. Once you’ve accepted that you don’t need to convince anyone that your creative job is actually work, you’re free to focus on optimizing the processes that allow you to produce creativity on demand. And that’s exactly what I’m up to right now … although my creative process
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The Ultimate Guide to Generation Z Marketing

By Neil Patel

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Businesses need to look toward the future to survive and thrive.

I’m sure you’ve got an effective strategy in place that targets Millennials or Baby Boomers.

But it’s time to shift your focus to a younger generation.

The term Generation Z describes people born after Millennials.

They may also be referred to as:

  • Post-Millennials
  • Homeland Generation
  • iGeneration

Although there isn’t an exact date range, it typically refers to anyone born after the mid to late 1990s.

That means the oldest members of this generation are in college or just graduating.

The reason why this information is so important is because they are starting to enter the workforce.

With …read more      

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Why Your Friend with a Creative Job Isn’t the Village Idiot

By Stefanie Flaxman

It happened again. You were out to dinner with your Writer Friend, and the waiter came over to see if you needed anything. This led to a short, friendly conversation with him, and as he walked away your meal companion apologized for reaching into her purse to get her phone. She opened her Notes application
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9 Ways to Get Your Startup Funded

By Neil Patel

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Don’t let money stop you from pursuing your dreams.

If you want to start your own business but don’t have the funding, you can still get it off the ground in a number of ways.

As an entrepreneur myself, I admire anyone who wants to create a company.

It’s not easy.

In fact, only half of small businesses in the United States will survive through their fifth year of operation.

Furthermore, just 30% of those businesses make it through ten years.

Based on this information, it’s clear that failure is more frequent than success when it comes to startup companies.

So I commend you …read more      

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Real Talk about Moving Forward with Your Big Idea

By Sonia Simone

Great to see you again! This week on Copyblogger, we looked at how to make progress on projects and opportunities that might seem intimidating at first. Stefanie Flaxman showed us how to take that Big Idea (exciting, challenging, scary) and break it down until you discover your first (or next) move. She shared a process
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