How to Scale Your Lead Generation Through Blogging

By Neil Patel

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I’m a big advocate of blogging.

It doesn’t matter what business you have or what industry you’re in, blogging can be used as a lead generation tool.

How often do you get unique visitors to your website?

Unless you have an ecommerce store, there’s no reason for a prospective customer to visit your website more than once or twice.

There’s only so many times someone needs to read your “About Us” page or look up your contact information.

But if your website has a blog, it gives people a reason to keep coming back.

Even if these visitors aren’t necessarily buying anything yet, …read more      

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Get More Traffic, More Confidence, and More Work Done

By Sonia Simone

Good to see you again! With the Monday Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, this was a short week on Copyblogger. On Tuesday, Kelton Reid kicked things off with a thoughtful look at impostor syndrome — with clues on how to approach it from different sources, including the famous Turing Test. And on Wednesday, I talked
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How to Write an Actionable Email Newsletter

By Neil Patel

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Every business needs an email marketing strategy.

You constantly need to try to grow your subscriber list so you can engage more and more customers.

But what kind of content should you be sending to the people on your email list?

Currently, you may be focusing on coupons and other promotions.

That’s great.

But you can take your email marketing strategy one step further by adding newsletters to your arsenal.

Some of you may already be emailing newsletters to your subscribers.

However, if you’re not writing actionable newsletters, these messages could be doing more harm than good.

Subscribers want to hear from …read more      

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A ‘Big Blog’ Strategy Anyone Can Use for More (and Better) Traffic

By Sonia Simone

Do you get all the traffic you’d like for your site? Do visitors just keep pouring in, letting you meet all of your business goals with ease? Yeah, don’t worry, no one actually says Yes to that question. Getting new people to your site can be tricky, and changes in Google and Facebook algorithms don’t
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How a Famous Robot Test Can Help You Beat Impostor Syndrome

By Kelton Reid

Have you ever had that nightmare where you’re sitting in an examination room in front of a panel of experts watching a timer count down to zero? You’re being asked a series of critical, complex questions, and you’re running out of time to answer. In fact, you haven’t answered one correctly, or at all, and
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The post How a Famous Robot Test Can Help You Beat Impostor Syndrome appeared first on Copyblogger.

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