How to Boost Revenue by Optimizing the Customer Experience

By Neil Patel

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The customer is always right.

I’m sure you’ve heard this before as the golden rule of business.

But what this rule doesn’t encompass is the customer experience.

The saying should be:

always put the customer first.

You may have certain operations and practices in place to make things easy and cost-effective for your company, but how does this impact the customer journey?

If you’re saving a few bucks or some extra time at the expense of the customer experience, it’ll backfire.

Instead, everything you do needs to center around creating an optimal customer experience.

You think about your business 24 hours a day, 365 days …read more      

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Taking the Day to Honor Martin Luther King, Jr.

By Sonia Simone

Today is the U.S. holiday set aside to celebrate the life, accomplishments, and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. No marketing lessons, no promotional tie-ins, just our respectful acknowledgement of an American hero. We’ll be back on the blog tomorrow … looking forward to seeing you then. 🙂

The post Taking the Day to Honor Martin Luther King, Jr. appeared first on Copyblogger.

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How to Write Blog Post Introductions That Make the Rest of Your Post Irresistible

By Neil Patel

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How many people are actually reading your blog posts?

It is reported 43% of readers say they skim through posts.

If you want people to consume the content you’re writing, get them hooked during the introduction.

Take a second to think about the goal of each article you publish.

Are you just trying to get page views?

I see businesses and bloggers make this mistake all the time.

They’re happy just to get page views on their blogs and don’t care whether people are reading them.

But that strategy is very inefficient.

Yes, getting people to click on your post is half …read more      

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Powerful Habits, Potent Engagement, and a Double Dose of Pink

By Sonia Simone

How’s your January going? I’ve been having a great time looking at our publishing themes and brainstorming cool new topic ideas with our editorial team. And I’m so glad you’re here starting the year with us. 🙂 This week kicked off with a discussion about habits (which are the super secret decoder rings that allow
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The post Powerful Habits, Potent Engagement, and a Double Dose of Pink appeared first on Copyblogger.

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How to Promote Your Event Online Like a Pro

By Neil Patel


Hosting an event is a great way for businesses to gain exposure.

This holds true whether it’s a holiday or a special occasion for your customers, the community, or your industry.

You may want to promote an event even if you’re not hosting it.

For example, maybe your company will have a booth set up at a trade show or job fair.

Maybe you’re a keynote speaker at a conference or dinner event.

Your business might be a top sponsor of a charity golf tournament.

The list goes on and on.

Regardless of what kind of event you’re hosting, attending, or …read more      

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