How to Increase Average Order Values With Product Bundling

By Quick Sprout

Average order value formula

Every business needs to strive for growth.

This isn’t a secret. However, many business owners hear growth and they jump to customer acquisition strategies, new product launches, and ways to increase their conversion rates.

All of these tactics are great for your company growth. But, they’re not the only way to boost revenue and grow your business.

You can also grow when you make more money with your existing products, services, and conversion rates simply by increasing your average order value.

Are you currently tracking this metric? It’s easy to calculate with this formula.

How to calculate your Average Order Value …read more      

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10 Tips and Tricks to Improve Your YouTube Content in 2019

By Quick Sprout

YouTube start at timestamp

Traditional marketing is slowly becoming obsolete. Brands need to prioritize digital marketing strategies to stay relevant and successful in 2019. To approach this properly, you’ll need to start producing more video content.

When it comes to video, YouTube is king. The platform has more than 1.9 billion monthly active users, and 180 million hours of video content is consumed there every day.

Furthermore, 48% of people named YouTube as their favorite online video provider.

It’s ranked first over Netflix, Facebook, and Hulu, which got 29%, 10%, and 7% of votes, respectively. YouTube isn’t just the favorite; it’s …read more      

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How to Write Blog Posts Faster Without Sacrificing Quality

By Quick Sprout


I write a ton of blog posts.

By the end of 2018, I’ll have published over 150 posts on Quick Sprout alone. Once you factor in the posts on my other websites and my guest posts, that number roughly doubles.

People ask me all the time how I manage to produce such a large amount of quality content.

With all my in-depth and informative guides backed up with good research, people assume it takes me 10 hours to write one post. That’s not the case.

It takes me significantly less than half of that time to do so.

Blogging is like anything else. The more …read more      

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Reach Your Outrageous Goals and Audacious Intentions for the New Year

By Sonia Simone

This is the last Copyblogger Weekly for 2018! (But we do have a few year-end treats for you coming soon.)…

The post Reach Your Outrageous Goals and Audacious Intentions for the New Year appeared first on Copyblogger.

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