7 Ways to Bring More Artistry to Your Writing

By Sonia Simone

The killer and the poet — ideally both in balance. That’s our theme for writers in 2018: To sharpen up your “killer” side with strategic, analytic, and technical skills, without ignoring your “poetic” side that has the talent to create fascinating content. Today’s post is about nurturing that inner poet — and adding more artistry
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Attract Better Clients and Customers with the ‘Chuckle Point’ Technique

By Stefanie Flaxman

If you know you don’t want to produce unicorn vomit (and I applaud you for that), you may have decided that your content will be “professional.” I was extremely preoccupied with “professional” when I started creating content 10 years ago. It was out of the question for me to reveal anything about my non-work personality.
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How to Boost Conversions by Personalizing Your Website

By Neil Patel

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Every business has room to improve their conversion rates.

If you’re looking for a place to start, analyzing your website is the first logical step.

While you may have done A/B testing or used some similar techniques in the past to get a surge in conversions, you can take your efforts one step further.

Look at your website through the eyes of your customer.

The key is, not everyone viewing your website has the same set of eyes.

Sure, your company has a general target market, but visitors of all ages and genders from different geographic locations will be …read more      

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How to Build Daily Habits that Support Your Goals

By Loryn Thompson

Last month, I wrote about how a goal-oriented approach to using technology can help you become more focused and productive. Using that guidance, I’ve now broken negative habits and built new ones that support my goals. Want to know how I changed my relationship with screens in ways I used to only dream about? Before
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How to Write Instagram Captions That Drive Engagement

By Neil Patel

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Staying active on social media is absolutely necessary if you want your business to be successful.

This statement holds true for small, local mom-and-pop stores as well as national chains and global ecommerce sites.

Even if you’re not selling a tangible product and just run a blog or something similar, you need to have a social media presence.

But having social media profiles and properly managing them are two different things.

Did you know about 80% of social media browsing takes place on mobile devices?

That’s one of the reasons why you need to focus on your <a class="colorbox" href="https://www.quicksprout.com/2017/11/06/the-ultimate-guide-for-using-instagram-story-to-promote-your-business/" …read more      

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