3 Simple Ways to Overcome Surprising Challenges of Working from Home

By Kim Clark

“Wow, you have the best job ever, getting to work from home.” “You’re so lucky. I wish I had that option.” Those are some of the comments I hear when I mention to others I work from home. Typically, I just nod and say, “Yes, it’s awesome.” I love working from home because I get
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The Top 20 Elements That Add Credibility to Your Website

By Neil Patel

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Before you start trying to drive traffic to your website, you need to master one factor.

I’m talking about credibility.

Without a credible website, you’ll struggle to get more customers and increase conversions.

Plus, credibility shows you’re trustworthy.

If you’re offering something without a trusted name or brand behind it, people will be hesitant to buy what you’re selling.


Well, with so many other options available on the market, it’s too easy for people to find what they’re looking for somewhere else.

This goes for ecommerce stores, blogs, or any business that has a website.

If a visitor sees a red flag on your …read more      

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The Content Marketer’s Guide to Starting a Meditation Practice Today

By Morgan Dix

You and I are storytellers. We’re content creators and copywriters. Our livelihoods depend on spinning creative yarns that compel our readers to action. For the execution of our craft, we depend on some key inner resources every day. Creativity and focus are two biggies. And I’m sure you’ve noticed that — like gold and platinum
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How to Boost Sales by Accomodating the Needs of Mobile Users

By Neil Patel

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You don’t need to come up with a complicated marketing campaign as a last-ditch effort to increase your sales revenue.

All too often I see businesses drastically slash their prices or run other insane promotions, that aren’t profitable, just to get more sales.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m definitely an advocate for running promotional campaigns.

It’s just not always necessary if you’re trying to boost ecommerce sales.

Instead, take a look at your channels for content distribution and sales platforms.

Are they optimized for mobile devices?

If you’re not sure, the answer is probably no.

That’s a big problem.

You have to …read more      

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Academy Pro: A WordPress Theme for Online Courses and Membership Sites

By Brian Gardner

Introducing Academy Pro … the theme for online course creators, membership site owners, and educational content marketers. Academy Pro is the latest premium theme from StudioPress, designed specifically for people in the business of online content and community. Read on to discover all the features and benefits you get with this theme, and how it
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