Analytics, Piwik, Analytics Packages, And Analytics Software

As a stats junkie, I can never get enough of analytics, so I was excited to take Piwik for a spin.
The open source analytics software first came to my attention when doing a roundup of alternatives to Google Analytics, and it?s been on my must-try list ever since. Would this free software lack some…

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Social Media, Huge Social Presences, Overall Brand Image, And Long Run

There?s something to be said about having friends in high places and on the internet especially, this can translate to making your social presence sound like a bigger deal than what it really is. Enter the rise of the social influencer. Influencers are noted for being persuasive in all things they d…

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How to Score Your Website’s SEO in 10 Minutes or Less

By Neil Patel


Many digital marketers know a lot of details about SEO, but they have trouble with the big picture.

One of the most important skills you can develop is getting a quick snapshot of a website’s SEO. All it takes is ten minutes. And you don’t need any expensive tools.

You can use this step-by-step process to determine your own website’s health, to find out how your competitors are doing, and to discover what needs to be done to improve your SEO.

What I’m going to show you here is a broad overview process. This doesn’t get into the nitty-gritty of a full SEO …read more    

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Why Parallax Design Doesn’t Have to Tank Your SEO

By Jerod Morris

Can parallax design be bad for a website’s SEO?


Hence the chatter.

But this shouldn’t deter you from considering parallax effects for your site, because any design style can be bad for SEO if it causes a site to load slowly or …read more    

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