Copyblogger’s 2014 State of Native Advertising Report

By Demian Farnworth

Native advertising is paid content that matches a publication’s editorial standards while meeting the audience’s expectations.

Think Captain Morgan’s campaign on BuzzFeed in general, their 15 Things You Didn’t Know About 15 Captains, Commanders And Conquerors article in particular.

First off, the theme of the article matches the brand’s values: Captain Morgan was a real …read more    

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How to Use Hashtags to Increase Your Online Presence

By Neil Patel

Chances are you know what hashtags are, but you probably don’t use them. I know I’m guilty of neglecting hashtags.

So, why should you use hashtags? To start with, tweets with hashtags tend to get twice as much engagement as tweets without them. Plus, they can help you gain more followers, improve your reputation, and help your customers find information faster.

To show you how you can use hashtags to increase your online presence, I created an infographic that breaks down the correct way to use hashtags. Read More …read more    

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How to Use Internal Cliffhangers

By Jerod Morris


I consider an episode of The Lede wildly successful when we create a new word. In this episode of The Lede about using internal cliffhangers, Demian Farnworth does just that.

Here it is:


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Your Audience Doesn’t Know What it Wants

By Ramsay Taplin

If I asked people what they wanted they would have said faster horses.

~ Henry Ford

Pretty witty quote, right?

You’ve probably heard it before. (Even if Ford never actually said it.)

I know I have.

But what I’ve been realizing lately is that I haven’t really been applying the essence of it to my own …read more    

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Latest Trends in Headline Creation and Their Success

By Neil Patel


No matter what kind of a website you have, the one thing that is always true is that your headlines are really important. Headlines affect things like user engagement, readability, conversions, SEO, social sharing, and even click-throughs.

It’s worth putting the time and effort into crafting a beautiful headline! I’ve studied headlines very carefully and learned this powerful truth. Success …read more    

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