How to Decide Which Content to Sell and What to Give Away for Free

By Chris Garrett

You are all well aware by now that content is vitally important to your business.

But how do you …read more    

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3 Ways to Write a Damn Good Syllable

By Demian Farnworth

The list of things you need to do to become a great writer is a long one.

So long in fact, most people never make it to the end of that list.

This is why most people suck at writing.

They simply give up.

Sure, the new ones are always …read more    

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How Long Should Each Blog Post Be? A Data Driven Answer

By Neil Patel


People often obsess over how long their blog posts should be. There’s a lot of information out there regarding the “perfect” length of a blog post, but a lot of that data is conflicting.

Content is really important when it comes to search rankings, so if you are going to leverage content marketing, you might as well do it right. But before we get into the ideal length for a blog post, let’s first go over a few shocking myths: Read More …read more    

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Announcing: A Breakthrough Resource for Your Content Creation

By Sonia Simone

Finally, after years of clumsy, clunky automated tools for “spinning,” scraping, regurgitating, and extruding low-quality content, we’ve found a solution.

This resource produces sharp, smart, audience-engaging content every time. Over time, it even calibrates itself to produce more effective headlines, to tailor content to the precise needs of your …read more    

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The Lede: Hangout Hot Seat with Brian Clark

By Jerod Morris

Google Hangouts are an invaluably useful tool.

We’ve made mention of this before.

And if you’ve been listening to the New Rainmaker podcast, then you recently heard Brian and Robert discuss the concept of repurposing content — using the same content in multiple ways.

In this episode of …read more    

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