5 SEO Techniques You Should Stop Using Immediately

By Neil Patel

bad seo

When you’re doing your site’s SEO, you have to be careful. The techniques that used to work will now get you penalized. The techniques that used to be a waste of time are now indispensable.

Now and then, we need to be reminded what works and what doesn’t. As it stands today, there are five SEO techniques that I need to warn you about. These techniques could be hurting your site. Read More …read more    

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Eulogy for a Blog

By Barry Feldman

Dearly Beloved,

We gather here today to honor the memory of our friend, Web Log.

That was his birth name.

Most knew him simply as Blog.

Blog’s life was tragically cut short at a very young age. I’m saddened to say, he never really hit his stride or had the chance to grow up to enjoy what might have been his prime.

When Blog was born he was full …read more    

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How to Use Visual Hierarchy To Create Clear and Easy-to-Read Web Pages

By Pamela Wilson

Imagine you’ve entered a cave.

Your eyes slowly adjust to your surroundings and begin to make out the shapes and forms around you.

You see three doorways: they’re equal in size, …read more    

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How Google Determines Where to Rank Your Website

By Neil Patel

How Google Determines Where to Rank Your Website

Have you ever wondered why certain websites rank higher than others? Or why your website doesn’t rank as high as your competitor’s?

A lot of it has to do with Google’s algorithm. It looks at over 200 ranking factors when determining where to rank a site. As you already know, these ranking factors aren’t easy to understand, which makes it difficult for you to figure out how to adjust your site to maximize your rankings.

In order to help you solve this, I’ve created an infographic that visually breaks down many of the components of Google’s algorithm. I hope it will …read more    

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Conduct Better Podcast Interviews with this Simple 6-Step Preparation Process

By Jerod Morris

No regrets.

That is my number one goal for every podcast interview I conduct.

(And there are a lot of them — for some top-rated podcasts, including this one you might be familiar with.)

It’s a hard feeling …read more    

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