How to Turn Bland Text into Sparkling Online Content

By Henneke

Let me guess …

You’re smart. You know your stuff. And you have a sparkle in your eyes when you talk about your favorite subject.

But your writing doesn’t sound like you. At all.

No matter how hard you try, you struggle to find …read more    

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5 Ways to Rankle an Old-School Journalist

By Demian Farnworth

This is the first post in a series on native advertising. An introduction, if you will.

One that states from the start that there is controversy.

Why approach a series this way?

Simple: Native advertising is probably one of the least-known scalding-hot topics in the business world.

In fact, few business people can even define …read more    

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6 Ways to Make Sure You Never Get an Algorithmic Penalty from Google

By Neil Patel

algo penalty google

Search engine penalties are the bogeyman of the Internet marketing world. They’re deadly. Just a few tweaks in the omnipotent algorithm could send your online business hurtling off the tracks. If you’re not careful, a penalty will crush your business.

I’ve seen it happen. I’ve had to guide people through the crap that comes with penalties. Along the way, I’ve discovered how to steer clear of the penalties. This article will explain step by step how you can avoid an algorithmic penalty, stay in Google’s good graces, and keep your revenue sky high.

But before we get started, let’s first go over …read more    

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Why We’re Removing Comments on Copyblogger

By Sonia Simone

Would you ever consider taking comments off Copyblogger?

When the question was posed during our editorial meeting, my immediate reaction was, “Absolutely not.”

I wasn’t even interested in considering it, because I like conversations. I enjoy seeing what people think of different posts. I like the quick view of what people react to (positively or otherwise), and what seems to need …read more    

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Only Three Hours Left: 61 WordPress Themes, One Crazy Low Price …

By Brian Clark

In just three hours, the price of our StudioPress Pro Plus All-Theme Package goes back up.

It’s the last chance to grab the Genesis Framework, all 42 of our StudioPress …read more    

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