How to Optimize a Landing Page

By Neil Patel

Do you know how to optimize a landing page for traffic and conversions? I hope The Definitive Guide to Landing Page Optimization helped you. But in case you haven’t had a chance to read it, here is how you can optimize your landing page with 3 simple steps:

  1. Identify the main elements on your landing page.
  2. Edit the landing page so that it is search engine friendly and usable.
  3. Run A/B tests using quantitative and qualitative feedback.

To teach you how to correctly implement the three steps above, I decided to create an infographic that breaks down exactly what you need to do. …read more    

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How to Tell a Seductive Story

By Jerod Morris

Has a singer ever been more seductive than Marvin Gaye?

Especially when crooning his classic, “Let’s Get It On”?

We often think about seduction in this sense: as being sexual, sometimes even manipulative. And sometimes it is.

But that is not the type of seduction featured on today’s episode of The Lede … though Marvin does sing words of wisdom …read more    

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3 Steps to Scare Your Audience Into Action (And Still Sleep at Night)

By Amy Harrison

If threatened, we move into action.

At one time your ancient ancestor jumped because an animal was about to eat him. Today, that motivation can be …read more    

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The Complete Guide to Understanding Consumer Psychology

By Neil Patel

consumer psychology

Do you want to know what makes your visitors tick? Or, even better, understand what goes on in their minds?

Understanding the psychology of your visitors will help you maximize your revenue because you can show them more of what they want and less of what they don’t.

I know what you are thinking. How do I figure out what’s going on in my visitors’ minds? To help you out, I’ve created a 30,000-word guide on understanding consumer psychology.

Here’s what you are going to learn in The Complete Guide to Understanding Consumer Psychology: Read More …read more    

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How to Make Your Website a Party People Want to Attend

By Jerod Morris

Have you ever walked into a party where you didn’t know anyone?

  • And there was no one to greet you or take your coat …
  • No one to show you where to get a drink or …read more    
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