5 Ways a Minimum Viable Audience Gives You an Unfair Business Advantage

By Brian Clark

Startups aren’t “real” companies, according to retired entrepreneur and author Steve Blank. At least not in the way we usually think of the concept of a “company.”

Startups are …read more    

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3 Vital Marketing Lessons From the World’s Most Offensive Doughnut Shop

By Sonia Simone

The line, even on the bitterest winter nights, extends out the door and down the block.

The neighborhood could charitably be described as “gritty” — known for marijuana dispensaries, tattoo parlors, and bars. (And those …read more    

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The Critical Thing You Need to Earn Targeted Traffic – Today, and into the Future

By Brian Clark

There is nothing new under the sun. What was old, is new again. It’s all …read more    

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How to Use Google Suggest to Grow Your Long Tail Traffic

By Neil Patel


If you are not targeting long tail keywords, you are missing out on a lot of traffic. Out of the 262,169 visitors that came to Quick Sprout from search engines in the last 30 days, 238,195 came from long tail terms.

That’s crazy. Just think about it: 91% of my search traffic comes from long tail phrases.

Just a year ago, I was only getting 88,833 visitors a month from search engines. In a 14-month period, I was able to increase my search engine traffic, mainly from long tail SEO, by 173,336 visitors a month.

How was I able to do that? …read more    

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SEO is Dead: Long Live OC/DC

By Sean Jackson

I want to let you in on a little secret …

I really hate the term “SEO.”

This may come as a surprise to many since I am the resident SEO guy at Copyblogger and very active in the SEO community.

But for the past two years I have felt that the entire concept of SEO, while an important part of <a class="colorbox" href="http://feeds.copyblogger.com/~/t/0/0/copyblogger/~www.copyblogger.com/imfsp/" …read more    

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