What Type of Content Gets Shared the Most on Twitter?

By Neil Patel


Have you ever wondered what type of content you should be creating for Twitter? Whether it is blog posts, quotes, memes, there has to be a content type that helps your traffic and branding more than other types of content, right?

I actually had the same question, which is why I decided to analyze 1,000 Twitter users and 398,582 tweets to see if I could figure out what type of content gets shared the most.

What I learned is that all content types are not created equal. Some get shared more than others…

Here’s how each content type stacks up against the rest. …read more    

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How to Know When Your Web Design is Done

By Pamela Wilson

My eyes were starting to lose focus.

It was 2:00 in the morning. My hands were coated with pastel dust. An inch of cold coffee sat in the mug next to me.

I stared at the drawing I’d been working on. I took a step …read more    

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7 Proven Secrets of High-Converting Checkouts

By Joanna Wiebe

Your checkout is not just bleeding visitors …

It’s a burst artery.

And all those prospects you worked so hard to attract and persuade are gushing out of your site at a mind-boggling rate.

Studies show that 67.89 percent of online shopping carts are abandoned.

To put it in perspective, that’s like walking into a grocery store and seeing seven filled …read more    

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9 Ways to Make Your First Online Sale From Your Corporate Blog

By Neil Patel


Just because you pop up a corporate blog and generate traffic doesn’t mean you will actually generate any sales.

I learned this the hard way with KISSmetrics. When we first started our blog, we were quickly able to get it to over 100,000 visitors a month, but we weren’t generating any extra sales from that traffic. In fact, we weren’t generating any sales at all.

Because of blogging costs, I had no choice but to figure out how to make it a profitable channel. I did the same for a handful of other corporate blogs and learned a few tricks …read more    

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Become a Content Marketing Expert for Less Than 68 Cents a Day

By Brian Clark

Now that content marketing is the mainstream way to attract and convert prospects online, you’d think that the tested and proven foundational strategies would be common knowledge by now.

Unfortunately, …read more    

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