The Definitive Guide to Landing Page Optimization

By Neil Patel

landing page optimization

Have you ever created a landing page? If so, have you ever modified or optimized it? If not, you’re leaving a lot of money on the table.

Before we get into how you can optimize your landing page, however, let’s go over why you should create one in the first place. The main reason is that all traffic sources are not equal. In order to boost your conversion rate from different traffic sources, you need to create different web pages that are targeted to those different types of audiences.

To help you with your landing page initiatives, I’ve created a <a class="colorbox" …read more    

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Can You Resist Clicking These 3 Headlines? (One is So Good I Had to Copy it)

By Jerod Morris

If this headline were a woman, I’d marry it.

That’s an …read more    

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Are You Confident in Your Content Marketing? (New Study Suggests You’re Not)

By Brian Clark

Here’s a fact about content marketing that’s actually shocking.

The 2014 benchmarks, budgets, and trends study by Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs (sponsored by our own New …read more    

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Here’s How Ann Handley (the World’s First Chief Content Officer) Writes

By Demian Farnworth

Want a quick and dirty way to test whether your content is compelling?

Show it to a teenager … and then answer these questions:

  • Is the teenager still reading, watching, or listening after 30 …read more    
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How Reducing Options Can Increase Your Conversions

By Neil Patel

More is better, right? Not in the world of conversion optimization.

Just think of it this way…When you take a kid to a candy store, what happens? They don’t know what to buy, right? The reason is that they have too many options to choose from and they are not sure which one is the best choice.

The same goes for the web. Giving people too many options or asking them for too much information can quickly reduce your conversions. For example, by reducing the number of options in your form fields from 6 to 3, you can increase your conversion rate, …read more    

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