Why the New Rainmaker is a New Media Producer

By Brian Clark

Back in the day, the Big Dream of any creator involved striking a deal with a name like Random House, Warner Brothers, or Atlantic Records.

Signing a deal with one of those immortal entities was considered the gold ring, the opening of the only door to …read more    

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How to Steal Your Competitor’s Facebook Fans

By Neil Patel

steal facebook fans

Facebook isn’t just one of the most popular sites on the web. It’s also a great place to gain new customers. But when you are starting from scratch, it can be difficult to grow your Facebook audience.

So, the question is: where do you start? The easiest way to start is by stealing your competitor’s fans. If they are interested in your competitor’s products or services, why won’t they be interested in yours as well?

Here’s how you can steal your competitor’s Facebook fans:

Find out who engages on your competitor’s Fan Page

Just because your competition may have thousands of fans doesn’t mean …read more    

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Does Your Copy Pass the “Forehead Slap” Test?

By Brian Clark

One of the most repeated rules of writing compelling copy is to stress benefits, not features.

In other words, identify the underlying benefit that each feature of a product or service provides to the prospect, because that’s what will prompt the purchase.

This is one rule that always applies, except …read more    

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Do You Want Your Website To Tell a Better Story?

By Jerod Morris


That’s how you feel some of the time, maybe a lot of time, when you sit down to deliver your message to your audience.

How do I know? Because it’s how I feel some of the time (okay, a …read more    

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How to Steal Your Competitor’s Twitter Followers

By Neil Patel


Why do you think my companies have done so well from a traffic generation perspective? It’s because I’ve created a popular blog for each of my companies, right?

Although that is correct, it’s not where we started our traffic acquisition. The very first piece of social media real estate that I create for any business I start isn’t a blog. It’s actually a Twitter profile.

Over the years, I’ve learned a few strategies that have helped me grow my Twitter accounts, which, in turn, has helped generate traffic and – more importantly – revenue. One of these strategies is stealing your …read more    

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