How Paying for Postage Made me a Better Marketer

By Brian Kurtz

I have a confession. I’m a direct mail guy.

I’ve been responsible for over a billion pieces of mail. And when I say “mail,” I mean those paper things that come to your physical mailbox. (Good thing I didn’t have to lick the stamps.)

I’ve …read more    

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The Lede: Michael Stelzner on Capturing Emails and Committing to Quality

By Jerod Morris

From nothing to Technorati’s #1 business blog in a little over four months.

That’s quite a story.

It’s Michael Stelzner’s. And on the latest episode of The Lede, he shares two of the most important …read more    

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How to Increase Your Google+ Engagement by 281%

By Neil Patel

google authorship

Whether you think Google+ is a successful or a failed attempt at competing with Facebook, you have no choice but to be on it.


Because with Google+ you can get your image listed next to you in the search listings, which can increase your organic traffic by up to 150%.

Even if you aren’t leveraging the authorship, you should still consider using it as it can potentially increase your rankings as well as drive you extra traffic.

To show you how you can more effectively leverage Google+, I’ve created an infographic that will break down the steps you need to take …read more    

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How Email Design Limitations Can Actually Be Liberating

By Dean Levitt

Long before email newsletters became a central part of my life, I harbored dreams of being a famous jazz guitarist.

While I know now that fame and jazz is a mythical combination, akin to a unicorn triple-crown winner, that was my goal in my early twenties.

One of my …read more    

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Timeless Marketing Advice from the Father of Advertising’s Favorite Book

By Gregory Ciotti

Nobody should be allowed to have anything to do with advertising until he has read this book seven times. It changed the course of my life.

~ David Ogilvy

The moment I saw these words an immediate investigation began: who, what, where, …read more    

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