Why Your Search Rankings Are Dropping (and 7 Ways to Fix It)

By Neil Patel

drop rankings

One of the most common questions I get on a daily basis is this:

My rankings are dropping, what should I do?

Now, I’m not a big believer in tracking rankings because search has moved towards a long tail game. And as long as your search traffic keeps going up quarter after quarter, you are fine.

But if you insist on tracking rankings, and you want to ensure that you maintain your positioning, there are 7 things you can do when you start noticing a drop for a specific keyword.

Solution #1: Internal linking

The biggest mistake I see sites making right now is …read more    

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Behind the Scenes: How (and Why) New Rainmaker is Produced

By Robert Bruce

It’s time to pull back the curtain for just a few minutes and talk about what we’ve learned (so far) from producing New Rainmaker.

We’re only three episodes in, but this is something we want to do periodically throughout the run …read more    

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What to Do If Your Great Content Isn’t Getting Found

By Sonia Simone

Hang out around this place for more than ten minutes and we’ll hit you over the head, telling you to create some high-quality content.

And by “high-quality,” we mean the good stuff. Not spun, fluffed, scraped, or otherwise mass …read more    

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Why Your Site’s Search Rank May Be Falling (And 4 Simple Ways to Fix it)

By Demian Farnworth

This isn’t supposed to be happening.

Your 8-year old website with the domain registered 10 years …read more    

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How to Nail Your Opening

By Jerod Morris


That’s what happens when you write a great headline, get scores of people to open your post, but then bore them with a lame opening.

They leave, and you accomplished nothing … except making them less likely to ever believe one of your headlines is worth clicking on ever again.

That’s why it’s essential that you nail the opening of your blog posts. To do …read more    

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