Thanksgiving Week (and a Great Sale) on Copyblogger

By Sonia Simone

It’s Thanksgiving week in the U.S.! My creative output this week will be mainly culinary — I’ve got three kinds of pie to bake tomorrow, plus all of the other fun things we’ll have on the table. So this week is a short one for you. On Monday, the editorial team got together to talk
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Black Friday Sale: Huge Savings on StudioPress Premium WordPress Themes (Starts Today!)

By Brian Gardner

We’ve been excited to unleash this year’s Black Friday sale ever since we first told you about it two weeks ago. And why wait until Friday to get started? Just in case you are planning to brave the crowds and chaos this Friday … Or in case you don’t want to think about anything on
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The Most Effective Ways to Generate Leads for Your Business

By Neil Patel

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To survive, businesses constantly need to come up with new revenue streams.

While you may generate plenty of money by improving customer retention by focusing on your existing customers, you’re only getting a small piece of the pie.

The companies who focus on lead generation do more than just survive—they thrive.

That’s where I want you to be.

People don’t start a business to make the bare minimum.

As a marketing expert with a proven track record, I can help your company generate more leads with simple strategies.

Customers won’t find you unless you put some effort in making yourself visible.

Surprisingly, the majority …read more      

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How to Find a Juicy Writing Idea When Your Creative Well Has Run Dry

By Sonia Simone

It’s the hard part. The thing about being a writer that isn’t necessarily all that awesome. Sometimes it’s the part that makes you doubt yourself, doubt your creativity and abilities, maybe even doubt whether this whole professional writing thing really makes sense for you. “What the &$%# am I going to write about this week?”–
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How to Create a Highly Effective Value Proposition

By Neil Patel

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I see people make this mistake all the time.

They come up with a slogan and assume it’s an effective value proposition.

Yes, slogans are a great way to build your personal brand.

It’s a great way to help consumers remember who you are.

But slogans are not value propositions.

What’s a value proposition?

It’s a unique message to the consumer that conveys the main reason why they should buy from your brand.

Your value needs to be relevant to the customer. Explain why your brand, product, or service can offer a solution to a problem.

Be specific when you’re talking about these benefits.

Differentiate yourself …read more      

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