Why Starting a Podcast Intrigues Forward-Thinking Content Marketers

By Kelton Reid

You know that familiar “awkward moment” is speeding toward you as the holiday functions and parties suddenly multiply across your calendar like chicken pox. You’re standing there, about to take a sip of your drink, when like clockwork it comes: “So … what do you do?” “I’m a … I work on the internet. Have
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11 Best Ways to Boost Ecommerce Sales Fast

By Neil Patel

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Whether you’re a new business or have been in business for several years, getting more ecommerce sales will benefit your company.

Unfortunately, businesses go through plateaus and declines.

These things happen, but don’t get discouraged.

If you’re having trouble coming up with new ways to get more customers and increase revenue, I can give you some pointers.

Your previous methods may have worked at one point, but eventually, the same old strategies can grow stale.

It’s essential your business is constantly keeping up with new trends.

Consumer habits have changed, especially in the ecommerce industry.

As a marketing expert, I’ve analyzed …read more      

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Sleaze, Suckage, SEO … and Savings

By Sonia Simone

Someone must have slipped the team some hot sauce, because it seems we’re all feeling a little spicy. This week features strong points of view and plain-spoken advice. Ever feel a little shy telling people you’re a marketer? Do you worry that what you do seems sleazy to some? While marketers aren’t quite at “politician”
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How to Run a Profitable Giveaway

By Neil Patel

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Running a contest or a promotional giveaway is one of my favorite ways for a company to connect with their customers.

But like so many other aspects of business, I see too many people doing this wrong.

That’s OK – for now.

While it may sound simple, promotional campaigns like this aren’t as easy as just picking a name out of a hat.

You want to run a giveaway that creates brand awareness and generates a profit for your company.

When done correctly, this won’t cost much at all.

Contests can even generate some free advertising for your brand.

This is …read more      

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The Most Powerful Writing Voice for 21st-Century Content

By Sonia Simone

In the beginning was authority. From the earliest days of advertising, authority was one of the first strategies used to persuade the masses. Then, a lot of us started using this internet thing to talk to one another. There was some speculation that authority was becoming an outdated concept. But it’s funny how these things
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