5 Essential Email Marketing Statistics You Should Check Often

By Neil Patel

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Email marketing is more than just sending out a message or two to your subscribers every week.

You’ve got to analyze data as well.

If you’re not checking the statistics, how do you measure the success of each campaign?

Look, I get it.

There are lots of numbers on the Internet, and you may not know where to start.

I’ll steer you in the right direction.

I can show you which statistics are important to check weekly.

Email yields a significantly higher return on investment than other direct marketing mediums do.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Check your own data from each <a class="colorbox" href="https://www.quicksprout.com/2016/08/05/how-to-write-marketing-emails-that-get-results/" target="_blank" …read more      
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Strongly Worded Advice Week on Copyblogger

By Sonia Simone

This is a week of strong opinions on Copyblogger — designed to make you more productive, wiser, saner, and maybe even happier. We want you to do amazing things, so we’re not pulling any punches. On Monday, Stefanie Flaxman encouraged us to get a handle on our information overwhelm, starting with getting smarter about the
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How to Grow Your Email List as an Ecommerce Brand (A Beginner’s Guide)

By Neil Patel

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It’s important you recognize the significance of your email marketing strategy.

It’s an essential method of communication with your ecommerce customers.

Email will probably be your most profitable channel if you nurture it right.

Don’t believe me? Activewear brand Rone is able to generate $80,000 in sales during product launch purely from its email list.

But before you can start sending out emails, you need to build your list.

Not sure where to start?

Don’t worry—I’ve got you covered.

I have a ton of experience building email lists for my companies: Crazy Egg, Kissmetrics, <a class="colorbox" href="https://www.hellobar.com/" target="_blank" …read more      

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The Internet Is Not Your ATM

By Sonia Simone

Maybe you have hopes and dreams about making a living online. Maybe you’ve envisioned a beautiful future where you work four hours a week, you never trade time for money, you sail through a life of ease because you’ve learned to “work smart” and figured out “one weird trick.” The internet doesn’t care. The internet
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21 Productivity Hacks from 21 Prolific Writers

By Kelton Reid

Ah, the #writerslife, #amwriting, #wordcount — wait, hold that thought — #amlookingatmyphone, #destructiveprocrastination, #twitterblackhole, #zerowillpower … dammit what just happened? Every time I pick up my iPhone, I lose a minimum of 20 minutes that I could be writing a first draft of something, anything. The cult of “busyness” beckons me: I scratch at my
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