5 Keyboard Shortcuts to Help You Write and Edit with Ease

By Stefanie Flaxman

We’re all guilty of it at some point. I know I certainly am. Glamorizing writing is an easy trap to fall into … You forget about the countless hours of drafting and imagine a cushy writing life where the right words flow effortlessly from your finger tips as you sit in your ideal setting and
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2017 Content Excellence Challenge: The October Prompts

By Sonia Simone

Here are your content challenge prompts for October! Each month this year, we’ve offered our community a pair of prompts. One is designed to improve the creativity and quality of your content. The other is designed to help you get more of that great stuff done. Feel free to jump in this week with either
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Should You Jump on the Live Video Bandwagon?

By Neil Patel

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Social media platforms have evolved.

Today, you can do much more than just write posts, comments, upload pictures, and videos.

Now you have the option to live stream with your audience.

It’s a cool concept, but should you be doing this?


People love videos.

But you just need to make sure you’re effectively using live stream to your advantage.

Over 90% of Internet traffic comes from video content.

Facebook is one of the top options for you to consider for broadcasting live content.

Since Facebook Live launched in 2015, its search popularity rose over 330% in the last two years.

What’s this information …read more      

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7 Golden Rules for Hosting Webinars that Engage and Convert

By Jerod Morris

Webinar shock. Familiar with it? Probably not, because I just made up the term. But you’re probably familiar with Webinar Shock’s sister term, Content Shock. It’s the idea, first described by Mark Schaefer, that we have entered an age in which “exponentially increasing volumes of content intersect our limited human capacity to consume it.” In
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9 Simple High ROI Shopping Cart Abandonment Prevention Tactics

By Neil Patel


How are you handling your shopping cart abandonment?

The first step is for you to track and recognize how many shoppers are leaving items in their carts without finalizing the purchases.

If you’re not addressing it, you’re missing out on sales.

Take a moment to ask yourself how you can improve the customer experience.

Is there a problem with your conversion funnel?

This is a basic visualization of how companies create conversions.

First, the consumer becomes aware of your brand, products, or services.

Next, they have a need or want that sparks interest in something more specific.

Once the consumer knows what …read more      

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