Category: Featured

How to Attract Your Ideal Customer with Perfectly Positioned Content

By Brian Clark

“Hello, I’m a Mac.”

“And I’m a PC.”

You remember Apple’s “Get a Mac” series of commercials that ran from May 2006 to October 2009?

The commercials were short vignettes featuring John Hodgman as the sweet-yet-bumbling PC and Justin Long as the creative, hip Mac.

Those 66 short spots were named the best advertising campaign of the previous decade by Adweek.

The success of the long-running campaign leads one to believe that Apple certainly knows who its ideal customer is. Of course they do … because they chose their ideal customer, right from the birth of the Macintosh itself.

That doesn’t mean that everyone …read more      

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15 Advanced Facebook Advertising Techniques You Probably Didn’t Know About

By Neil Patel


Facebook advertising is just as powerful in 2017 as it’s ever been.

Perhaps even more so.

The sheer volume of users alone (1.71 billion as of July 2016) makes it a digital marketer’s playground.

When it comes to Facebook advertising, I could spout off a laundry list of done-to-death conventional techniques.

And most are still quite effective.

But what I want to do here is delve a little deeper and truly dissect Facebook.

I want you to understand its full potential.

Here are 15 advanced Facebook advertising techniques you probably didn’t know about but should most definitely experiment with.

1. Using “Pages to Watch”

Facebook has a pretty cool …read more      

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Taking the Day to Honor Dr. King

By Sonia Simone

The blog is taking today off to honor the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Faith is taking the first step even when you can’t see the whole staircase.”

– Martin Luther King, Jr.

We hope you’ll join us in spending a few moments today reflecting on the power dreams can have when they’re pursued with courage.

Of course, Dr. King also left a legacy of masterful writing. Here are some more quotes to inspire your day:

Martin Luther King, Jr. quotes on Goodreads

See you tomorrow!

The post Taking the Day to Honor Dr. King appeared …read more      

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The Proven Guide to Using Live Video to Build Your Personal Brand

By Neil Patel


2015 was a banner year for video and, in my opinion, a big year for video marketing—something that ramped up through 2016.

We saw a lot of brands jumping on the video bandwagon as Snapchat gained steam, Instagram unleashed live video, Twitter released video auto-play, and Facebook introduced video ads and, of course, native live streaming.

Live streaming has become one of the best ways to forge an authentic, one-on-one connection with customers. Brands are using live video to build a larger, stronger presence and reach audiences on the fly like never before.

As a professional, you can leverage live video to give …read more      

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Let’s Get the Strategy Party Started

By Sonia Simone

Copyblogger Weekly

Last week, Brian Clark announced he was going to be joining us regularly this year on the blog.

On Monday, Brian actually came back to the blog. (We’re very happy.) He offered us a post that outlines three simple steps to crafting a content marketing strategy that works. Since “simple” steps aren’t necessarily “easy” steps, look for lots more details from Brian in the weeks to come. But this one will get your engine started.

I also published our “Content Excellence Challenge” prompts for January. I hope you’ll join us on these — they’re two fun (and not …read more      

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