Category: Featured

The Simple 3-Step Process for Creating a Winning Content Marketing Strategy

By Brian Clark

"Make your ideal prospect view you as the only reasonable choice." – Brian Clark

Strategy … we all know what it means, right? Just for grins, let’s look at a simple definition:

A plan of action designed to achieve a major or overall aim.

Clear enough. So why would the majority of content marketers have no documented strategy, according to Content Marketing Institute? And by “documented,” I mean a plan that you literally write down.

This is what happens when you document your strategy, again according to CMI’s research:

  • You’ll be far more likely to consider yourself effective at content marketing.
  • You’ll feel significantly less challenged by every aspect of content marketing.
  • You’ll generally consider yourself more effective …read more      
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8 Techniques That Helped Me Improve My Writing During Ten Years of Blogging

By Neil Patel


Epic copywriting is an integral part of driving traffic and making conversions.

Smashing Magazine even states that “it’s not uncommon for proper copywriting to increase search traffic by 50 percent and conversion rates by 30 percent.”

But being a great copywriter requires more than simply being great at writing.

You need to have a fundamental understanding of human psychology to be able to persuade readers to buy your product/service—you need to know what motivates people to purchase.

Plus, there are several other variables that will impact your approach, including your audience, overall aim, and desired customer reaction.

This graphic from ABC …read more      

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The Power of a Fresh Start

By Sonia Simone

copyblogger weekly

You never know what a fresh calendar year can inspire someone to do. They might start a new business, lose a zillion pounds, organize the sock drawer.

Or, if it’s Copyblogger’s founder Brian Clark, they just might come back to the blog with a vengeance … and a commitment to write a bunch of new content for us.

In case you missed it, Brian did that last one this week. He hit the blog on Monday morning with a post about why so much content out there is so … uninspiring. And he talks about what we can do …read more      

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Producing a 3,000-Word Article on Any Topic

By Neil Patel


Creating long-form content is one of the best things you can do for your online marketing strategy.

Long-form content that passes the 3,000-word mark blurs the line between an article and a guide, making it a unique type of content. It’s detailed, but it’s not too long.

It’s the perfect type of content to truly help your readers.

Not only that, but long-form content also sets you up as an authority, attracts backlinks, and helps you create a sustainable content marketing system.

Throughout my career, long-form content has always been an important part of my marketing strategy. And most of the radically …read more      

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Why Your Voice Matters More than Ever This Year

By Sonia Simone

woman and man working and talking - copyblogger

2016, right?

Such a strange, difficult year. Lots of us are thinking about the artists we lost — poets, musicians, cultural icons.

Of course, famous people die every year — but this one had a nasty streak. Bowie, Prince, Ali, Cohen, Fisher, and so many more. People who went far beyond entertaining us.

We never met them, but they changed everything.

Because they found the courage to speak, and sing, and cry out with real voices. Screwed up, weird, flawed, masterful. Sometimes broken, sometimes triumphant, but real.

Truth and courage

Every year, the first week of January inspires us to look ahead, to resolve to …read more      

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