Category: Featured

10 Modern Editing Tips for Meticulous Bloggers

By Stefanie Flaxman

protractor, ruler, and gray pencil - copyblogger

I watch a lot of YouTube videos about the best ways to clean your bathroom.

In fact, I realized that I spend way more time watching “hacks, tricks, and tips” about how to efficiently clean a bathroom than I do actually cleaning my bathroom.

Given the hundreds of thousands of views on these types of videos, perhaps it’s not just me. And I started thinking … this might be similar to bloggers who read about editing tips.

Editing, like cleaning a bathroom, isn’t always the most fun, so bloggers might spend more time reading about editing tips than actually …read more      

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A Data-Driven Method for Finding Out Whether Your Content Sucks

By Neil Patel


Sometimes, you have to show some tough love. You’ve got to be brutally honest.

Because I value you (yes, you!) as a reader, I don’t want to lie to you or sugarcoat things for you. You deserve better.

I want to give you the best advice possible so you can go out there and succeed.

If I’m being brutally honest: Your content might suck.

It’s not your fault—my content was downright awful for years. It took me a long, long time to get really good at blogging.

Blogging is hard. Coming up with awesome content is hard.

You might know your content isn’t as good as …read more      

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Get Back to Basics to Crush It in 2017

By Brian Clark

person stepping onto train - copyblogger

One week from today, Copyblogger turns 11 years old.

In some ways, it feels like only yesterday that I came up with the concept for this blog in December of 2005 and launched it the next month. Except that I was 38 at the time, and now … I’m not (ahem).

There was plenty of emerging talk about commercial blogging going on back then, and Copyblogger was specifically designed to add to the conversation in a way that wasn’t being addressed. Fortunately, I had spent the previous 7 years figuring out how to build online audiences that built businesses.

Today we call that …read more      

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How to Fact-Check Your Latest Blog Post in 20 Minutes or Less

By Neil Patel


Nobody’s correct all the time. Your blog posts, on the other hand, should be correct all the time.

Why? Because if your blog gets the facts wrong, your readers won’t take you seriously. Instead of being an authoritative resource, your blog will become a joke.

It’s harsh but true. Assuming you’re not a satire site like the Onion, you need to get your information right.

Truth be told, blogs should have similar standards for their posts as colleges have for students’ papers. Colleges require students to cite their sources in detail, and the sources have to be credible.

While I don’t think …read more      

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The Difference Between Cheap and Good

By Sonia Simone

The Difference Between Cheap and Good

You’ve probably noticed how much cheap marketing and writing advice is out there. So many hypey “hacks” … so few results.

We’re much more into the long game. It takes time and energy to produce good content, which is why we like solid, proven strategies that are actually worth your time.

This week, we have some deep dives for you.

On Monday, Beth Hayden shared some thoughts on promoting your content to improve your SEO. (Like all good SEO recommendations, content promotion isn’t just for search engines — its most important function is to find more humans who would love to …read more      

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