Category: Featured

A Strategic System that Produces Powerful Content Marketing Campaigns

By Raubi Perilli

take aim to reach your content goals

It’s easy to get wrapped up in the fun parts of content marketing. Being creative, writing articles, and seeing a post go live are all exciting and enjoyable parts of the job.

So, a lot of us jump right in, quickly publishing and sharing without taking much time to think about what we are doing and why. We are just excited to get our work out in the world.

And this is a problem.

Because effective content marketing that drives pre-planned business goals is strategic — not just fueled by initial excitement.

Let’s look at a system that will help you incorporate …read more      

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How Journalist and Bestselling Author of ‘The Revenge of Analog’ David Sax Writes: Part One

By Kelton Reid


The business and culture journalist and bestselling author of the recent book The Revenge of Analog, David Sax, dropped by the show to talk about the writing life, the importance of real things in a digital world, and the revenge of paper.

David is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in Bloomberg Businessweek, The New York Times, The New Yorker online, and other publications.

The author’s first book, Save the Deli, was a Los Angeles Times bestseller and won the James Beard Award for Writing and Literature.

His latest, The Revenge of Analog: Real Things and Why They Matter “… looks at …read more      

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Get Ready Now for a Creative and Productive 2017

By Sonia Simone


To get where you want to go professionally, you’ll need to create excellent content — and create enough of it to make an impact.

We want to support your efforts in doing exactly that in the coming year … so we have a new community project for you. Each month, we’ll propose a pair of “prompts” — one aimed at improving your content quality, and the other aimed at improving your content productivity.

We’ll sharpen our skills by having fun, enjoying the process, and putting the time in … all in the spirit of creative play.

In this 19-minute episode, I talk about:

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How to Invite Your Creative Angel and Devilish Editor to Help You Write

By Pamela Wilson

how to harness both sides of your writing brain

Type, type, type. Backspace, backspace, backspace. Type more, delete, rewrite.

Sound familiar?

Writing and trying to edit as you go gets you nowhere. It’s two steps forward and one step back. It makes your writing process excruciatingly slow.

Stick around because it gets worse.

When you try to write and edit at the same time, you’re setting up two sides of your brain in a duel. Rather than getting these two sides to support one another, you’re putting them into a competition that neither wins.

As author Susan Reynolds says in Fire Up Your Writing Brain: How to Use Proven Neuroscience to Become …read more      

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Lessons on Business and Life from the ‘Zen Master of Marketing’

By Brian Clark & Jerod Morris


This week’s guest is a visionary strategist for the digital age. She helps brands reach the next level by leveraging digital opportunities to drive meaningful results. She is Shama Hyder (aka the “Zen Master of Marketing”), and she is a Digital Entrepreneur.

In this episode, Shama walks you through her journey as a digital entrepreneur that started back in school:

  • Why she strives to have a student mindset (no matter what)
  • The importance of the freedom to make contributions without boundaries and limits
  • The lessons she took from her parents (that you can implement too)
  • How she finds humbling moments every day and is always …read more      
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