Category: Featured

6 Neuromarketing Hacks for Maximum Content Impact

By Neil Patel


What do humans and lab rats have in common?

We both have predictable behavior patterns and react similarly to the same psychological stimuli.

And while we humans are certainly more complex and sophisticated than lab rats, you can still pull the right levers and hit the right buttons with your content marketing to elicit the response you’re looking for.

I would by no means consider myself an expert in psychology, but over the years, I’ve learned a lot about how the human mind works.

I’ve found out that nearly everyone is predictable to some degree.

By understanding a few key psychological insights, I’m …read more      

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Making Your Content as Tasty as Pie

By Sonia Simone

Making Your Content as Tasty as Pie

Hey there — welcome back to the Copyblogger Weekly!

It’s Thanksgiving week in the U.S., and we want to celebrate by stuffing ourselves until we’re unable to speak or move.

No, wait, we want to celebrate by helping you make your content delicious.

On Monday, Stefanie Flaxman showed us how to weave structure and intrigue together for irresistible results. On The Showrunner, Jerod Morris and Jonny Nastor explore how to cook up an appealing brand for your podcast.

And on Tuesday, Beth Hayden shared a crucial copywriting element that every persuasive page needs. Hint: it’s what’s …read more      

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Gary Vaynerchuk on Playing the Long Game

By Brian Clark


Back in 2006, Gary Vaynerchuk started a daily video show that turned wine criticism on its head. More importantly, it took his family wine business from $3 million-a-year to a $60 million-a-year ecommerce juggernaut.

From there, Gary did something that surprised a lot of people, including me. He started a digital marketing agency called VaynerMedia.

Wait … what? Why would someone who could move that level of product want to build a service business? Isn’t that going backwards?

Not so fast. As you’ll hear in this candid interview, Gary’s plan involves what has now become familiar to Unemployable listeners — doing this thing …read more      

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How #1 Hit Podcast ‘Welcome to Night Vale’ Co-Creator Jeffrey Cranor Writes: Part One

By Kelton Reid


The co-creator and co-writer of the #1 international hit podcast Welcome to Night Vale and New York Times bestselling co-author of the novel of same name, Jeffrey Cranor, dropped by the show to talk about the importance of collaboration, deadlines, and bad writing.

In addition to producing and touring with the theater ensemble The New York Neo-Futurists, the playwright and author tours with live shows for the Night Vale Presents production banner, co-created with Joseph Fink.

Night Vale Presents now produces four podcasts that regularly sit at the top of the charts — including Within the Wires, also created by the author …read more      

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Prove It! 6 Persuasive Techniques for Making the Sale

By Beth Hayden

simple tips to convince skeptical buyers

A few months ago, I was struggling with writing a sales page for an upcoming program launch, so I showed my draft to my copywriting mentor and asked his advice.

He scanned the page for about 20 seconds, then said:

“You need more proof. This page should be full of stories and case studies about how your approach works. You need to show the real results people get from using this product.”

I argued that adding more case studies would take up a lot of room on the page. He laughed.

“When I write my own sales pages, highlighting the proof is …read more      

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